Similac Soy Isomil vs Enfamil Prosobee: Soy Formulas

Soy baby formulas by Similac and Enfamil.

Similac Soy Isomil and Enfamil Prosobee are both soy protein-based formulas that can be fed to babies with CMA (Cows Milk Allergy) and lactose intolerance. Does your baby have CMA or lactose issues? Luckily my children did not, but I had many friends who did have kids with these issues.

There are considerable similarities and differences between the two formulas. Have trouble selecting one? This guide will help you select one for your amazing baby.

Soy formulas are a great substitute for babies with an irritable digestive system. The Similac Soy Isomil and Enfamil Prosobee are gentle formulas that contain the necessary nutrients for your baby’s proper growth.

My article covers the similarities and differences between the two formulas to help you choose one for your toddler.

Table of Contents

Key Ingredients

Similac Soy Isomil vs. Enfamil Prosobee is a tough comparison. They are both soy-based formulas that suit well for babies. However, there are a few differences in their key ingredients.

Similac Soy Isomil

The Similac Soy Isomil is a plant-based soy formula for babies with lactose intolerance and galactosemia. The brand claims that it is similar to breast milk or milk-based formulas and helps babies achieve proper immunity development. 

The key ingredients of Similac Soy Isomil for infants are given below.

A soy-based formula that is suitable for babies with lactose intolerance and digestion problems.

Contains Prebiotic FOS that helps the developing gut of infants grow healthier in a similar way to babies fed breast milk or milk-based formulas.

It contains DHA, Lutein, Vitamin E, and some other ingredients found in breast milk that help with the development of the brain and eye.

The formula is milk and lactose-free. It is nutritionally balanced and easy to digest, which is also important if your baby is fussy or often has an upset belly.

Enfamil Prosobee

The Enfamil Prosobee is formulated with plant-based soy proteins that are gentle on the guts of babies with lactose intolerance and digestion inefficiency.

The product contains no added sweeteners, colors, or artificial flavorings. It is certified Kosher and uses dairy-only machines and Pareve ingredients during production. 

Key ingredients featured in Enfamil Prosobee:

  • The Enfamil Prosobee is dairy-free.
  • It contains DHA, an ingredient that helps develop the brain and eyes in babies.
  • Contains plant-sourced protein to reduce gas and irritability in babies.
  • The plant-based formula causes less irritation inside the tummy.

Nutritional Facts

Plant-based formulas should contain the same nutrients found in the usual milk-based formulas to ensure the healthy growth of infants.

Both Similac Soy Isomil and Enfamil Prosobee contain all the necessary ingredients and nutritional values that are similar to regular formulas. Feeding either of these formulas will ensure your baby gets all the necessary nutrients they need.

  • Similac Soy Isomil

Every 100 calories or 148 ml of Similac Soy Isomil contains 2.45 gm of protein, 5. 46 gm of fat, 10.4 gm of carbohydrate, 133 gm of H2O, and 1000 mg of Linoleic acid.

  • Enfamil Prosobee

Every 100 calories or 5 fluid ounces of Enfamil Prosobee contains 5.3 gm of fat, 2. 5 gm of protein, 10. 6 gm of carbohydrate, 133 gm of water, and 800 mg of Linoleic acid.

How Soy-based Formula Can Benefit Toddlers?

Soy-based formulas are suitable for babies with CMA or other digestion problems. These are very gentle on the guts while providing a good amount of nutrients. There are many other benefits a plant-based soy milk formula can have and these are listed below;

To Treat Lactose Intolerance

Babies with lactose intolerance can’t digest regular milk due to a lack of lactase. Lactase is an enzyme that digests lactose, a sugar found in regular milk. In the absence of it in the human body, bacteria grow on the lactose and create gas resulting in stomach cramps and diarrhea.

Plant-based formulas are designed for babies with lactose intolerance, reducing cramps, bloating, and chances of diarrhea. The Isomil and Prosobee can both benefit toddlers with lactose intolerance.

It Can Benefit Toddlers with Colic

If your baby cries for a long time regularly for three to four weeks around a specific time without any particular reason, they probably may have colic. The specific reasons behind colic are unknown, but they can be linked to digestive issues. Colicky symptoms can be reduced by feeding specific formulas to your baby; plant-based soy formulas work well in this case.

Colicky symptoms include high pitch crying for long hours, gas, redness in the face, and tight limbs. Parents using plant-based formulas like Isomil and Alimentum for their babies have reported a reduction of colicky symptoms.

It Can Reduce CMA

CMA, or cow’s milk allergy, is an allergic reaction some babies start to present when they first start drinking cow’s milk protein-based formulas. It is quite common in newborns while switching from breastmilk to formula and can be controlled by feeding them a gentle soy formula.

The symptoms of CMA include digestion problems, such as bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, or vomiting. It also triggers skin rash and causes a runny nose.

Maintaining a Vegan Diet

Vegan formulas can do wonders for babies with CMA and other allergies. Soy formulas are plant-based and can help you maintain a vegan diet. 

Drinking cow’s milk or any animal-derived products is not acceptable in a vegan diet. The regular formulas are all formulated with cow’s milk protein. So, if you want to adhere to veganism even in your baby’s diet, then using a soy milk-based formula is the best way to go.

Avoiding Animal Cruelty

Formulas made with cow’s milk protein can be subject to animal cruelty. Soy-based formulas are good substitutes because they don’t promote harming animals. For some this is an extremely important issue.

If you stick to your ethics but don’t want to compromise your baby’s nutrition levels, then soy-based formulas, such as Isomil and Prosobee can be good choices for you.

How Each Formula Can Help Kids

Similac Soy Isomil and Enfamil Prosobee can help toddlers with problems digesting normal milk protein. Toddlers with CMA, lactose intolerance, and colic cannot drink cow’s milk protein-based formulas, but soy formulas are gentle on their tummies. 

Similac Soy Isomil

It is important to know both the pros and cons of a formula to measure how helpful it would be for your baby. The pros and cons of Isomil are given below;


  • Similac Soy Isomil is proven clinically to provide support to a baby’s immune system development. 
  • It contains DHA, vitamin E, and Lutein that aid in the development of the eye and the brain.
  • Contains Fructooligosaccharides, known as FOS. This is a Prebiotic that supports the development of the immunity system.
  • It is likely to soothe an irritated digestive system and reduces the occurrence of diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, and cramps in babies with CMA and lactose intolerance.
  • Vitamin E, DHA, and Lutein assist in the growth of cells, the brain, and the eye, respectively.
  • Lutein also contains nutrients similar to breast milk.


  • Prosobee contains added sugars which can seem concerning because babies consume a lot of formula daily.
  • It has a strong smell that some babies may not like.
  • It costs a bit more than some formulas out there.
  • The Isomil can cause constipation in some.

Enfamil Prosobee

The pros and cons of Prosobee are given below. 


  • Prosobee is well recommended by pediatricians.
  • It contains a high amount of DHA that is equal to the amounts found in regular milk protein formulas.
  • Works on the symptoms of CMA and lactose intolerance such as crying, bloating, and stomach pain.
  • It is available in three forms, powder, concentrate, and liquid. This offers versatility to the parents. 
  • It has a more affordable price point than many other formulas.
  • Doesn’t contain added sugars.


  • It may taste unpleasant for some babies.
  • Contains corn syrup.
  • Has Palm oil; palm oil can interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients in babies.
  • Hard to come by available stocks online.

Key Similarities

Similac Isomil and Enfamil Prosobee are both soy protein-based formulas. Both claim to reduce bloating, fussiness, and digestive issues in babies. The following ingredients are in the same amounts in both formulas.

  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Iodine
  • Copper
  • Vitamin B6 
  • Riboflavin 
  • Vitamin A
  • Choline 
  • Vitamin D

Major Differences

Isomil and Prosobee are similar formulas that target similar problems in babies. Although they work the same, there are some major differences between their ingredients. Those are given below.

  • Sugar Content

Isomil contains added sugar that makes it taste better than Prosobee. Some parents may be apprehensive about using a formula that has sugar because babies would consume so much of it.

  • Different Tastes

Isomil and Prosobee taste much different from each other. Because of using added sugar, the Isomil tastes better and is preferred by most babies. 

Prosobee contains corn syrup and palm oil that improves taste a little but it’s still not as good as Isomil.

  • Difference in Price

Isomil and Prosobee have a big difference in their prices. The Enfamil Prosobee costs only $21.99 for a 12.9 oz can, whereas the Similac Isomil costs $105.49 for a pack of six 12.9 oz cans. You can check the latest changes in price on their website.

  • Different Ingredients 

Similac Isomil and Enfamil Prosobee contain almost the same nutritional elements but in different quantities. 

Prosobee contains a high amount of corn syrup solids and palm olein, whereas Isomil contains added sugar.

Isomil has Lutein listed as an ingredient that Prosobee doesn’t have.

Similac Soy Isomil contains more of the following ingredients.

  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin K
  • Niacin 
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Inositol
  • Biotin
  • Linoleic acid 

Enfamil Prosobee contains more of the following ingredients

  • Vitamin E
  • Thiamin
  • Folic acid
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride

Final Words

Enfamil Prosobee and Similac Isomil are both great products for babies with lactose intolerance and milk protein allergies.

You can select any of them depending on your baby’s taste and the pediatrician’s advice. Hopefully, this guide has helped you compare the two. It is often an issue of trial and error, so do not be afraid to try the other if the first choice does not work!

Until next time, check out some of my other articles.

Sharon Dunn