Are baby walkers safe for development of a 6 month old?

Are baby walkers safe for development

Hi, I am Sharon and I want to talk today about a debate around baby walkers.

What is a baby walker and why is it important:

It is a metallic and plastic frame on wheels so that a baby is suspended on a canvas sling-seat. Babies normally use them between the ages of 5 and 15 months.

My kids each had their own and almost were possessive of them like their own little cars!

The baby walker supports a pre-walking child to walk on by pushing his toes facing the ground. Some parents use a Baby Walker because they believe that they can help their kids walk and they are safe to use.

But are baby walkers safe for development?

Child development is a difficult method that is performed in time and through the maturation of the central nervous system. This process is influenced by genetic, ethnic, nutrition, social, and financial environments.

One of the parts supposed to be efficient in the addition of device skills is the use of baby walkers. Baby walkers are used all around the world as fun stuff without any risks.

Table of Contents

Are Baby Walkers Safe for Development?

Only a little distraction can make you miss that precious moment when your small kid is about to obtain his first move! That is why many parents cannot help but purchase a walker to support stimulate their baby’s physical development and control their development from the crawling step to the walking step.

At least, we all consider this a great idea unless we know better. Right?

Why are Baby Walkers Safe for Development? No doubt, a baby walker can be a lifesaver, which is why it’s regularly one of the first items most parents normally buy once their toddler starts moving around.

In addition to the fancy look, Baby Walkers comes with multiple features that make them great fun tools. Some of these introduce bells, whistles, lights, playthings, and many other things that little children love to play. In fact, the way these walkers are designed may also tempt you to have fun.

But does the big toy seem all that fun? Can it really make your little one walk quickly? While baby walkers are gaining in popularity, there are many bad reports about the suitability of their toddlers. Opposite to what many parents believe, a baby walker does not develop a child how to walk.

My personal experience was positive, as each of my four kids seemed to benefit not only with development but with having joy from using them.

The Safety Problem With Baby Walkers

In addition to safety concerns, walkers go against the normal process of child motor development by giving the lower half of the body a strength that the upper half is not yet ready to address. Children usually develop from head to finger, with upper body energy advancing to their lower body.

During the first year, a baby slowly moves more parts of his body off the ground, starting to lift his head, then chest, then to the stomach, then to his hips, then to the hands and knees, then standing with help, then taking some steps while clinging onto a caregiver, and finally walking solo.  Yet, depending on the walker to do the work, a baby’s growing order is less interested in crawling, cruising, and experimenting with his own body to learn walking skills. Look at the baby’s “walking” walker: It is stiff-legged – unlike a pleasurable way a baby is naturally motivated and supported by his or her moving two hands.

The real problem, however, lies in the abuse of these walkers. Most parents think that their kids are stuck with a ring they can freely look away. Regrettably, this negligence often causes many accidents. There have been several incidents of children pulling things over their heads or falling off a ladder.

In both situations, there is always a high chance of serious injury. so pay attention to your kid!

Can Baby Walkers Delay the Locomotive Development Process?

Now that you know how many important parts are there before a baby learns to walk, you can guess that a baby walker will stop your child from practicing these steps, and they will reach their walking milestone without even going through the overall development process. 

When you put your child in a walker, he/she tends to use their toes, which tightens their leg muscles and gets mixed up with the normal walking process. Hence, babies who learned walking in a walker often try to use their toes to walk comfortably. 

In the general process, the baby learns balancing while he/she tries to sit and stand themselves up. They can’t do it in a walker, so it delays learning this very important skill.

Moreover, the sooner you give your child a walker, the lesser time they can spend in a crawling position, which stops them from learning to use their hands and knees. 

So, you can see how many important things and movements your baby can miss out on when given a walker. That’s the main reason for the delay in the whole locomotive development process. 

What If I Really Want A Walker?

If you still decide to choose a baby walker, we recommend taking the following safety cares to minimize the risk of accident and injury.

  • Just buy a walker that has been tested to match the newest safety standards. Inquire about the approval of recognized companies like CPSC and JPMA.
  • Before Purchase takes a look the walker comes with a break feature.
  • A wide baby walker can actually be more helpful since it is challenging to fit through the door.
  • While you have a baby in a walker, try to close all way to stairs or other rooms where you don’t want your child to get into.
  • Never ignore a child in a walker. 99% of Walker-related accidents can prevent if parents watch out and are not distracted.

Dangers of Baby Walkers:

If you research on the internet, most doctors don’t recommend using a baby walker for your child. Besides the delay in locomotive development, there are a few other dangers with a walker that might put your child’s life in danger. Some of these are:

  • They can fall down the stairs or steps. 
  • The possibility of crashing into something hard or sharp gets higher
  • They can easily tip over while trying to move.
  • They can get stuck with a dangerous electrical cord or get bumped with cupboards with harmful things.
  • They can get too near to dangerous places like near heaters or ovens, fireplaces, or pools. 
  • They can try to reach out the hot drinks on a table or other dangerous objects.


1. Are baby walkers bad for development?

Ans: As I mentioned above, baby walkers will delay your child’s overall development process rather than helping them to learn walking. There is some mixed data out there though, so research accordingly.

2. At what age is it safe to put a large baby in a walker?

Ans: In general, people give their child a baby walker when they are 4 or 5 months old, and the babies typically use it until they are 10 months old. 

3. Why do pediatricians not recommend Walkers?

Ans: Most pediatricians don’t recommend using baby walkers due to the safety issues I mentioned above in the article. 

4. Is a baby jumper good for babies?

Ans: Not really. Research shows that baby jumpers can be as harmful as a baby walker for a baby.

5. How can I help my baby learn to walk?

Ans: You can assist your child in walking by standing behind him/her to give assurance that you will hold them if they fall.

Alternatives to Baby Walkers

Discovering the risk associated with using a baby walker, what if you still want to provide your child with a recreation center? The solution is easy – invest in an activity center.

A stable activity center is a much safer option than a typical baby walker because it is harmless and will not conflict with your child’s natural development.

Further, the lack of wheels means that you will have them located specifically where you want them to be.

Alternatively, if your child reaches the sitting stage, you can surround him with attractive toys, leaving him on the floor. Other solutions you can try to add either Playpen or Play Yards.

Final Words

The advice we’ve always provided parents in our pediatric customers and followed in our home in choosing any kid-care product is it should be safe, do sound things for babies, and present life more comfortable for parents.

At this point, you likely identify the potentials a baby walker holds for your kid. But as a parent, you are in a better place to choose what’s most suitable for your little pumpkin.

Whatever you do, make sure you continuously think it harmless. This is your call! Admittedly, if used in small amounts and under supervision, walkers can be fun and helpful to the baby while they are busy nearby.

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